Finger Forge (DIY Fingerboard)
Making a low-cost DIY Beastmaker fingerboard.
Automatically create GitHub tickets from whiteboard sessions
Multifunctional wristband for rock climbers that monitors grip strength
Bluetooth Low Energy proximity authentication system for Linux
MagSpoof is a device that emulates swiping a magstripe card wirelessly using magnetic fields
Gujarati Handwriting Character Recognition System
Gesture interpretation using an IMU
Light measurement display box
AutoClip is a Python library that creates a montage from video files and music
An open-source Discord bot to enhance your Among Us experience
Reverse engineering a cheap toy drone
Simple solution to monitor posture while working at a webcam equipped computer
Playing the Chrome dinosaur game using NEAT genetic evolution
Web interface to view AR 3D model by scanning a QR code
School bus tracking and notification system
Arduino Based TOTP Generator
Kinect based 3D scanner
QR-code based attendance system
Wavetable Synthesizer Generation Utilizing Measurement of Photon Movement in Liquid
Implementation of mame82's P4wnP1
Can crusher created for an introduction to manufacturing class
2018 FBLA Nationals Mobile App Submission
Mobile arcade game to spread the message of STEM in the community
Image classifier for colon cancer detection
Simple 3D printed puzzle cube
2017 ATL MARTA Hackathon Submission
Smart Air Vent system
Passive stereo audio mixer
LEGO Mindstorms EV3 card dealer
Making a low-cost DIY Beastmaker fingerboard.
Building a DIY Retro Arcade Fight Stick
Taking a look at Pine64's PineTime smartwatch